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Newham BID



Newham BID businesses have overwhelmingly voted in favour of a third term of Newham BID in a record-breaking ballot. 100% of all those who voted, voted ‘yes’, something that has not happened before in circa 960 UK BID ballots held for 335 BIDs (as of 7th July 2023).

Thank you to all the businesses that supported us. Our new five-year term will start on 1st September 2023.

To see the declaration of ballot, please click here.
To read our press release, please click here.


Newham BID will come to the end of its current term on 31st August 2023.

For almost a decade, Newham BID has successfully delivered projects and services that businesses have identified as priorities and has continued to do so throughout the pandemic, supporting the industrial estate through a challenging time for us all. For further information on what has been delivered please download a copy of our new business plan. (download)

Newham BID would like to thank all Newham businesses and other partners for the time and support they have given over the past five years which have enabled these initiatives to be successfully delivered.

Under BID legislation, Newham BID can be renewed for a further five years from September 2023 – August 2028 subject to a new business plan being published and a ballot being held. Our new business plan has now been published (download)

In November 2022, Newham BID ran an early survey with a cross section of businesses from across the boundary and from different sectors to determine the appetite for a third term and to establish some early priorities; encouragingly, everyone who responded said Newham BID had benefitted the Estate and 70% said that the BID had made a positive difference to their business.

We used this feedback to prepare our Newham BID 3rd Term Consultation 2023 where we proposed the themes that would be part of the next business plan to be delivered from September 2023 subject to a positive vote. 95% of respondents supported our vision and the majority agreed that the project themes were the right ones for Newham BID’s third term with Maintaining Safe Access and Safe & Secure being ranked as the most important themes.

Overall, 59% of all levy paying businesses engaged in the consultation through relaying their feedback in person or by completing the third term questionnaire - 91% of survey respondents said they supported a third term and would vote ‘yes’.

Our third term business plan has been shaped by the views of our levy paying businesses. All eligible levy payers within the BID boundary will receive a hard copy or virtual copy during May 2023.

Please read through this business plan, taking note of our vision, aims and objectives, all informed by our business community. To read what businesses on Newham think about Newham BID, click here

Newham BID will generate over £429K of funding over the five-year term from the levy alone with additional grant funding sought.

The notice of ballot will be issued on 22nd May 2023 with ballot papers sent out on 5th June 2023 for the 28-day postal ballot. All votes need to be received by Cornwall Council on or before Thursday 6th July 2023 at 5pm. The person entitled to vote may appoint someone else to vote on his or her behalf (a proxy). An application can be made by downloading the form here

We hope businesses will be minded to to vote YES √ to Newham BID continuing for a third term. This will enable businesses to work together to fulfil our vision of Newham as a leading innovative industrial estate ensuring we maintain and improve safe access and improve the trading prospects for all.

Please remember, a ‘No’ vote will mean that all Newham BID’s project and services currently delivered as well as those proposed in our business plan will end and it is highly unlikely in the current climate that any other organisation will pick up the shortfall.

If you do have any questions about the BID do drop us a line by emailing Mel Richardson at or telephone 07968 508295

Thank you for your contribution and for being part of an exciting future for Newham.


Baseline - Services provided by statutory organisations within Newham that have a correlation to the projects that the BID will deliver have been documented.  The purpose of this it to ensure that Newham BID is adding value to current service provision and supporting businesses rather than replacing or duplicating existing services.
An agreement in principle, subject to a successful ‘yes’ vote, has been reached with Cornwall Council and Devon and Cornwall Police that these baselines will be reviewed each year. Cornwall Council issues will be reported through the localism team at Cornwall Council as and when they occur.  For these baselines click here

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