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About Newham BID

How is Newham BID run?

Newham BID is part of Totally Truro, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee set up in 2007 (registered in England and Wales company number 6070111) to oversee Truro BID and subsequently Newham BID.

Totally Truro has positions on its Board for up to 12 elected Directors who voluntarily support Newham BID; there are currently 7 Directors drawn from organisations within both Truro and Newham BID areas. Totally Truro delegates decisions on operational delivery to the Newham BID Committee made up of businesses and organisations who pay the BID levy.

Newham BID is managed by a part time BID manager who is responsible to the Newham BID Committee and Totally Truro Board and who delivers the projects and services in the business plan. Newham BID operates under the terms of Totally Truro’s Articles of Association.

The BID is business-led for business benefit and all levy contributors are automatically members of the company. All members will be invited to Annual General Meetings where past and prospective BID activities are presented. Accounts are independently prepared each year and copies are available on request.

To find out more and to contact Newham’s BID Manager or a member of the committee, click here to Contact us

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